Saturday, January 29, 2011

#9 Lone Pine

What a great little place in the middle of all that hustle and Bustle. This was a great cache. Easy to find in good condition. The guys who look after this place obviously enjoy there work. This was meant to be a quick stop on the way home from a couple of other caches. But this is one of those places that grab you and says , Stop Spend a while and look around, So I did. Nothing like spending a while reading headstones, wondering who they were and looking for a familiar name or two. TFTC.

Cheers Geoff1313

Double Trouble - Failure #1

Well named this bugger. I have been up there twice now and no sign of the cache. There are not to many places to hide a cache up here so I have a feeling that this one may have been muggled. Will have to wait and see if any one else logs it as a find before I decide whether to try for a 3rd time or not. Its a bloody long walk to come back with a DNF. The photo is taken from where the cache should be.

Cheers Geoff1313

Eclipse - Bumper #8

A nice easy find. My first in the Eclipsed series. But I have the answer to the question so will save it until I have time to chase the rest down. Found this one after failing for the second time to find another one so it cheered me up again. TFTC

Cheers Geoff1313

#7 Juggernaughts

This is cache number 7 for me. A nice cache well hidden. I thought this one may have suffered some serious damage by the floods but apart from a damp log book it appears to have survived quite well. I was the second visitor to this cache today and I managed to get a couple of good photos nearby. Didn't get the Juggernauts but as I drive one over the bridge on a regular basis I have a fair idea what one looks like. The boats and planes are more interesting to me. TFTC

Cheers Geoff1313

#6 The Road to Nowhere

It's not hard to tell why this one has been named what it has. Well if the grass is anything to go by this place has sure had some rain. I bailed out when the grass got up to my head height. Started to head back to the road and thought nope teamxxxx said there are some good tracks around here so I went for a bit of a walk and sure enough, found a track that gave me a clear shot at the cache without disappearing in the grass. Signed the log with some difficulty as it was fairly wet and needs drying out. Didn't have time to stop and leave it in the sun for a while as I just grabbed this one on my way to Bunnings. TFTC.

Cheers Geoff1313

Sunday, January 2, 2011

#5 Bayside Spelling Bee T - is for Tom's Train Spot

I think it is fitting as my middle name is Thomas that I should go looking for this one.
This was my most exciting find so far. I used to walk through here every day for about 2 years. I once spotted a couple scraping around in here  and thought I wonder what they are up to. Little did I know that a couple of years later I would be scratching around and hiding from the muggles. This cache had so much stuff in it that I sat for 20 minutes just reading through the stuff. This was also the first time I had seen a geocoin and there were 3 in there. I took the Squirrel's Cache Hide Coin but had nothing to leave so to settle my conscience I collected a couple of broken beer bottles and some empty cans and took them away with me. Another note to self, get some stuff together to leave in exchange. I even got to see 2 of Tom's Trains go by. TFTC.

Cheers Geoff1313

#4 The Unknown

I approached this one from the high side, thinking that the water would all be on the other side of the park, but no I sloshed through 25 metres of mud just to get into the park. A well hidden cache but it was really wet, the water had gotten into the bag and the  log was almost impossible to read. Must get a collection of things together to replace damaged items when I find them. We used to live just around the corner from here and must have passed this spot a million times. TFTC

Cheers Geoff1313

#3 War of the Worlds

I dont know if I can really claim to have found this one. I would have but a local muggle decided to wander over and have a chat. As we were chatting he stuck his hand in and pulled out the cache. He lives across the road and spends his weekends sitting on the verandah watching for geocachers. A really good spot although my iPhone only get me to within about 10 metres so the shopping list is going in for a birthday present :). It does look a bit other worldly from the correct angle.

Cheers Geoff1313

Saturday, January 1, 2011

#2 Only a bit Of Salt

Well 2 for 2, my 2nd Cache. There may only be a bit of salt but with the weather we have had lately, there is not much to be said about this other than wet, wet, wet. Cache is holding up well considering the rain we have had.

Cheers Geoff1313

#1 Port of Brisbane

This was my first Cache. 1st one on the 1st of the 1st 2011. Fairly easy location as I drive past it 10 times a day, but took me a while to find it as I had no idea what I was really looking for. Fairly happy with the result even though we got a visit from Port security as we were sitting in the car getting ready to leave. Obviously the cameras work :)